Discover How To Make a RADICAL Difference
as an Emerging Leader!

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Discover How To Make A Difference & Be the BEST Emerging Leader YOU Can Be!

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Chris Bush - WA State Manager at SIRF Roundtables

In this current climate the need for Emerging strategies is essential to any company, Ilsé encompasses this strategy as much in daily lifestyle at home as in business


About Ilsé Strauss

Ilsé Strauss has a deep respect for those on the leadership pathway and has spent her life in leadership roles, learning the skills to equip those around her. Ilsé is an Organisational Emerging Leadership specialist based in Perth, WA. And as a Postgraduate at Murdoch University, Ilsé researches leadership capabilities associated with complex, challenging and crisis situations as we move towards ethical and ecological leadership frameworks, views and behaviours. Ilsé has over 10 years experience of Leadership Coaching & Training in Forbes Companies, Government, Global Humanitarian Organisations and International Coaching Organisations. Prior to her Coaching Career, Ilsé was a corporate consultant and owned led successful Retail business. Her company PurposeSYNC, provides Management Consulting, Executive Coaching & Training to equip future-ready leaders for changes in the global business landscape.


Ilsé Strauss has brought a breakthrough that I was searching to expand my journey in leadership. I truly recommend Ilsé Strauss.
Ellis Hodgetts,
Not knowing what to expected I was incredibly impressed. Ilsé truly is an inspiration. Highly recommended - thank you Ilsé.
Susi Jarman,
King Living
In this current climate the need for Emerging strategies is essential to any company, Ilsé encompasses this strategy as much in daily lifestyle at home as in business
Chris Bush
WA State Manager at SIRF Roundtables
Ilse leaves audiences asking for  more! Her passionate style of delivery, knowledge and experiences were evident. It’s not easy to deliver content and motivate at the same time. Ilse does it with great ease 
Mark Amin
Not only does she rock the room when you see her live at events, But her skills and ability to truly facilitate the room transferred seamlessly into the online space
Fiona Jeanne
Business Strategist and behavioural profiling expert


The Emerging Leadership Quiz is designed for Professionals who have a deep desire to use their leadership gifts to make a difference.


Who Is This Quiz For?

  • You are believe in leading hearts and minds for the betterment of individuals and society
  • ​You really enjoy developing Emerging Leaders
  • ​You are curious about business opportunities and starting your own home-based leadership coaching practice
  • ​You believe leadership is a skill that can be learned and forged in times of flux
  • ​You've wondered how you could use Coaching skills to improve your team or even start your own practice
  • ​You desire to embark on your own personal growth journey 
  • You have a sense of empathy for the challenges leaders experience
  • You want to work with successful people who are navigating change
  • You are eager to develop more advanced communication skills
  • ​You want to play a part in educating Leaders in ecological workplaces 

Who Is This Quiz Not For?

  • You believe that people are born-leaders and they've either got it or they don't.
  • ​You still believe that quantifiable skills are the only measurement of success
  • ​You don't have any interest in developing others
  • ​You'd rather they just got on with it and reject developmental needs
  • ​You believe in hierarchal leadership frameworks and are absolutist
  • ​You don't believe you have anything insight or knowledge to share with developing leaders

Why Self-Paced Learning?

Online learning is a investment in your leadership career to achieve your leadership goals and transform those around you. With 3 core units, you will develop the  capabilities to transform your team, bring out the best in those around you and contribute to industry. Our programs include:

  • Flexibility in scheduling and time-management that doesn't punish you for missing a class but supports you with 24/7 access and mentoring to set you up for success! 
  • Suitable for different learning styles and preferences with a blended learning approach of Video's, Mp3's and Online Forums for support and community. 
  • Affordable high quality education from a subject expert without the premiums in student loans, book supplies or travel barriers
  • Accessible to you regardless of your location whether you are studying in your home office, a cafe or attending classes in comfortable learning environments.

"The foundation to healthy and functional economies is to develop healthy and functional Emerging Leaders"

ILSÉ STRAUSS, Successful Industry Leader

Discover How To Make A Difference & Be the BEST 
Emerging Leader YOU Can Be!

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


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