TIME:- June 27th, 2020 10:00am AWST

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

"Emerging Leaders - Find Your Genius" Live Webinar.


Your Decision To Make a Difference as an Emerging Leader will 
Impact the World In an EXTRAordinary Way. As promised, here is Your Emerging Leadership Quiz. Simply click the 'Start Button' to begin.



Ilsé Strauss has a deep respect for those on the leadership pathway and has spent her life in leadership roles and learning how to help others. Ilsé is an Organisational Adaptive Leadership specialist based in Perth, WA. As a Postgraduate at Murdoch University, Ilsé researches leadership capabilities associated with complex, challenging and crisis situations as we move towards ethical and ecological leadership frameworks, views and behaviours. Ilsé has over 10 years experience of Leadership Coaching & Training in Forbes Companies, Government, Global Humanitarian Organisations and International Coaching Organisations. Prior to her Coaching Career, Ilsé was a corporate consultant and owned led successful Retail business. Her company PurposeSYNC, provides Management Consulting, Executive Coaching & Training to equip future-ready leaders for changes in the global business landscape.
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